Emilia Clarke Daily is an unofficial fan site dedicated to Emilia Clarke and her career. I have no affiliations with Emilia Clarke; this site is not authorized by Emilia or her representatives. This is a site made by a fan for the fans. This is a non-profit website and all materials on this site are for entertainment purposes, only.
All information on this site has been gathered from various media sources. While I put information only from reliable sources, some information might be false. If that is the case, please contact me. If you have any information you would like to submit to the site, please feel free to do so.
Images have been gathered from various sources and credit is given when known. I ask that you do not take the images for your own site. If you do, please provide a link back to emilia-clarke.org.
All graphics were created exclusively for the site. With the exception of the banners and linkme buttons, which can be used only to link back to emilia-clarke.org, none of the graphics may be displayed on any other sites. The layout has been hand-coded using HTML and PHP.
Materials on this site are given credit when known. Any fan-submitted material is credited to both the contributor and the source. Any fan-made materials (i.e. wallpapers, linkme buttons, graphics, etc) may not be displayed on other sites without the creator’s permission.
No copyright infringement is intended. If I have violated a copyright law, please let me know and I will take down the material.
Emilia Clarke Daily is © 2018 to Nicky.